Ougi All in One
Antibacterial Spray

Packaging • Video Motion

Different situations brought new necessities too. It goes the same in the times of Covid-19 pandemic. Many new necessities had born in order to prevent the virus from spreading. Ougi saw that and answer people by launched its new product: All in One Antibacterial Spray.

The design itself is meant to be simple and straightforward. The clean and minimalistic design of this product tells the strong point of this product to customer indirectly, that Ogi Antibacterial Spray is a easy-to-bring simple solution to stay clean and prevent virus from spreading, wherever people are.

We also made video motion for Ougi Antibacterial Spray to emphasize it’s natural ingredients, and to give a better introduction of this new product.



Ougi All in One
Antibacterial Spray

Packaging • Video Motion

Different situations brought new necessities too. It goes the same in the times of Covid-19 pandemic. Many new necessities had born in order to prevent the virus from spreading. Ougi saw that and answer people by launched its new product: All in One Antibacterial Spray.

The design itself is meant to be simple and straightforward. The clean and minimalistic design of this product tells the strong point of this product to customer indirectly, that Ogi Antibacterial Spray is a easy-to-bring simple solution to stay clean and prevent virus from spreading, wherever people are.

We also made video motion for Ougi Antibacterial Spray to emphasize it’s natural ingredients, and to give a better introduction of this new product.